30 Day Weight Loss Challenge!

Most people want to lose weight and get healthy, but they aren't willing to spend any money or extra time putting in the effort. I hear it all the time, "Well I'd love to, but I don't have money for that right now" and "I don't have time, sorry". Does that remind you of yourself? How do you expect to change if you don't put in any time and effort?

I have something special if store for you, a free 30 day weight loss challenge! This group is right for you if the following applies to you:

You're a beginner
You're getting back into fitness
You don't know where to start
You don't have the money for a gym membership or to purchase a program
You need help with nutrition
You don't have a lot of time
You're skeptical joining one of my challenge groups and want to test the water out

If some OR most of the above statements apply to you, then what are you waiting for?! This is a free challenge group, you don't need anything except yourself and some food from the grocery store!
So what does this FREE 30 day challenge group entail?

You will be added to a secret Facebook group
I post daily: motivation, support, & short homework bits
You will be doing squats, push-ups, crunches, and jumping jacks
You will learn how many calories to eat
There will be motivation & support from me and other people in the group
I will keep you on track with a weekly google+ hangout chat
There are prizes!

First, sign up for a free profile stating that I am your Free Coach: http://ow.ly/n8vmN

Next, please fill out the form below so I can learn more about you, your needs, and WHY you're interested in this FREE 30 day challenge!

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