My Transformation

Have you been stuck on a plateau? 

Tried EVERYTHING to get off? If you answered "yes", you sound like me just a few months ago. 

Like you, I was stuck on a plateau for a few years, tried EVERYTHING to get off and NOTHING seemed to work. I went on yo-yo diets where I would literally cut out carbs, junk food, or even worse!..I wouldn't eat at all. My metabolism was REALLY messed up to say the least.. I would work my butt off at the gym and barely see any results. What was I wasting my money for?! Then one Saturday afternoon a workout program called TurboFire came on the television. It promised to guarantee fat burning up to 9X faster and for 24-48 hours after the workout. I was absolutely SOLD and thought "WOW! This solves ALL my problems!!" 

So I committed myself to TurboFire every single day for the next 90 days..Where the heck were my results?! I heard Chalene (the instructor) preaching that nutrition and fitness go hand in hand and that "abs come from the kitchen". I really learned my lesson after wasting 90 days of my time, because I did NOT fix my nutrition at all while doing TurboFire. I continued to eat fried foods, processed foods, and just lots of plain junk! 

That's when it REALLY CLICKED in my head. If you can't fix your nutrition, you're wasting your time working out! I can't stress my own personal experiences enough. STOP WASTING YOUR TIME! If you really, really want to achieve your weight loss goals, you have to change your way of life. I didn't want to believe this and learned the hard way and now it's my job to stop you before you waste your time too. 

Soo what did I do after that, you ask?

 I got back onto the horse and mapped out a new game plan. I did some research and found P90X. This is also another workout of BeachBody's. My strategy was, "Failure is NOT an option" This time around, I was determined to do whatever it took to reach my fitness goals. Along with P90X, I heard about Shakeology helping countless people lose weight and get healthy. As a natural born skeptic, I wanted to see what everyone else had to say about this amazing product.

 I am SO glad I ordered it because it makes me feel amazing inside and out. Every day I continue to use my support group, Perfect Fit, P90X, and Shakeology to achieve success. I've gained SOO much more than a workout program, I've gained a new family, friends, and a new beginning. Please take a look at my journey so far.

My P90X 30 Day Transformation

My P90X 60 Day Transformation

My P90X 90 Day Transformation

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