Shakeology Cleanse

I absolutely LOVE doing the Shakeology Cleanse, especially when I have an event coming up and I want to look GREAT and feel CONFIDENT. It seems like every time I do the Cleanse, I lose albs! The Cleanse is a 3 day eating regime, so you aren't starving yourself or doing anything unhealthy, because you are still receiving your nutrients through Shakeology and your dinner. Take a look at the plan below:

Pretty simple, right?! It's inexpensive to follow, and it's pretty basic if you ask me..the thing that determines your success is, you need to be drinking LOTS of water to flush the toxins out of your body...because this is a cleanse! Don't worry--you WON'T be on the toilet crapping your brains out, that's something I worried about A LOT before considering to try this. There were a few things I struggled with before I committed to the 3 day plan.

#1 HOW am I going to do this at work? 
#2 I will be peeing CONSTANTLY!
#3 What if it doesn't work?!

So here is how I dealt with all of my concerns. I went to Walmart and picked up a small pocket blender...less than $20 and I brought it to work with me, along with 4 bottles of water, a tea bag, and my packet of Shakeology. I was really concerned with how I was going to make tea at work, but turns out there was a coffee machine & it had hot water in it..and everything worked out fine! Now, I cannot lie, I peed A LOT...but I shared with my co-workers what I was doing and they completely understood.  

I'm not really a SALAD person if you want the truth, but I have to tell dinner that salad was the most FABULOUS salad I had ever tasted and I savored every bite. This cleanse really taught me to be thankful for the food we eat every day because most people in other countries, even our own, aren't that lucky! 

How does it feel to be on a 3 day cleanse? It sucks! I'm not going to sugarcoat ANYTHING. It's awful to see the people around you eating whatever they want meanwhile you are constricted to what you can and cannot eat. For ME, everyone will be different, the first day was really hard..I was starving..but that was just my body getting used to the cleanse. Day 2 and 3 were much easier and I could tell my body was getting used to the cleanse. I have done the cleanse multiple times and the great thing about the cleanse is I lose 7lbs every time I do the cleanse, which is every 3 months because that is the recommended time frame. You can expect to lose between 3-10lbs because everyone is different.

If this is something you'd like to try, get into contact with me. My info is on my homepage, I would love to answer ANY questions you might have & if you are interested in trying it out, I have sample packs that you can order off of me.

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