
Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences with me as your coach! Your love & support literally DRIVE me to becoming a better coach every single day. Knowing that I helped each of you achieve your GOALS & DREAMS touches my heart and gives my life purpose. Love you all!

I began having these stress headaches almost every day which began to worry me.  A few hours after lunch, around 3pm every day, I felt like I had no energy to make it through the day. When I heard about the Ultimate Reset, I felt like it was the solution for me. After 21 days my headaches were gone, I had so much energy throughout the day,  I could play with my kids, my relationship improved with my husband., and I lost 19lbs!  I am so thankful Kristina introduced me to this program, my life would still be miserable if I hadn't tried it.
-Mary D. from North Dakota

I really don't know where to begin...seriously, I am over the moon thankful that I found Kristina's Youtube video and decided to contact her. I was trying really crazy diets by myself and NOTHING was working. Her results just inspired me. I followed her advice and since February 2014 with her as my coach I have lost 22lbs!!!!!!!! I am just over the moon HAPPY and so PROUD!
-Alicia J. from California

I come from a small town and everyone at the gym knows who you are. I felt awkward and watched constantly; I did not like that very much. I am 38 years old and I had 5 children and I have a lot of weight to lose; 150lbs to be exact. I just lacked the will-power and going to the gym. Kristina suggested that I try the Ultimate Reset because she lost 18lbs the first time doing it. There is no working out involved with it. I have such a busy schedule that I thought that it would be perfect for me and I needed to start somewhere. It was so difficult to stick to, but Kristina pushed me through it every day. I actually made it through the program and am pleased with my results. I have lost 23lbs and it has given me a whole new sense of confidence that had disappeared when my waist line started growing. I have my will-power back!
-Ingrid G from Rhode Island

Kristina's TurboFire Challenge Group helped me lose 40lbs! After college I packed on 20lbs and when I met my fiancé of 3 years, I packed on the rest. I was overwhelmed with wedding planning and working full-time that I didn't think I would have time to commit to it. Kristina showed me where I could fit my workout and meal planning into my busy schedule. I loved the accountability and the one-on-one support I got from her challenge group. Thank you so much!
-Amanda L. from New York

My doctor said that I am pre-diabetic and would need to change my diet. Honestly, I couldn't imagine living that life. I saw a video Kristina had about Shakeology and learned that it satisfies cravings and helps people who have high blood sugar. I was very skeptical, but I thought I would give it a try. After about 3 months of drinking it, I went back to my doctor for a follow-up check up. The doctor was surprised to find out that my blood sugar had decreased and I was no longer at risk. I will continue to drink Shakeology daily as a substitute for my bad sweet tooth habits. I'm also thankful that Kristina assured me to take this leap of faith toward better health.
-Frank P. from New Mexico

I have a long history of heart disease in my family and after I turned 30, I began worrying about my own health. I want to be there for my children and husband for as long as possible. They deserve a mother who is healthy and positive. I joined a Brazil Butt Lift Challenge Group Kristina was hosting and I lost 2 dress sizes in 30 days! Thank you Kristina for introducing me to this amazing program and Shakeology. I feel healthier, more vibrant, and the best role model for my children.
-Heather M. from Michigan

I love Shakeology, Kristina posted about it in our accountability group and instantly I became curious. I sat on the sidelines watching everyone else who was drinking it because I was skeptical. I saw them all getting great results and eventually I bit the bullet and bought it. I thought it was really expensive, but I felt comfortable knowing that there was a 30 day money back guarantee so I could return it if it was absolutely gross. When it arrived, I tried Kristina's favorite chocolate recipe because I was so scared to see what it would be like since everyone was saying how healthy it was for you. I was pleasantly surprised, the taste resembled a frosty or a milkshake. I began drinking it 1-2 times a day and started really getting my money's worth out of it. I noticed that my skin began looking better, my nails weren't breaking off all the time, and my hair was growing faster than usual. These were all great signs that my body was getting healthier. It really began speeding up my weight loss as well because I wasn't eating junk food or looking for chocolate (my weakness) or eating late at night like I normally do. I am so thrilled that I dished out a few dollars for this heaven sent chocolate milkshake!
-Gail D. from New Hampshire

Kristina sent me a sample of Shakeology to try with her favorite recipe. I wasn't sure something so healthy would taste good, but it tasted SO GOOD! I drink it every time I crave chocolate or ice cream, this stuff is my secret weapon! 
-Mel S. from California

I needed to build muscle to get dem babes... I did Body Beast..I gained 9lbs of solid muscle dude, it's da shiz y'all.
-Tyrek G. from Illinois

I watched your P90X results video on YouTube and was inspired so much! I began my own P90X journey and lost 65lbs so far! Thank you Kristina for showing me that it's possible.
-Leanne T. from Ontario

After my fiancé left me for another woman, I felt depressed and suicidal for 3 years. I was already 25lbs overweight, but I turned to emotional eating and gained an additional 70lbs in those 3 years. Kristina reached out to me and suggested I try Les Mills Combat. I became ADDICTED my very first workout! I LOVED the way it made me feel because I was channeling my aggression the healthy way and losing weight. Thank you for inspiring me to start and all your motivation!
-Stacy G. from Pennsylvania

Instead of gaining the freshman 15, I gained the freshman 30...yea. I became anorexic and I would just starve myself to lose the weight. I dropped 10lbs by doing that but I felt lightheaded all the time and mishappen. I wanted to look toned and get rid of my love handles, muffin top, and cellulite so I texted Kristina to help me and she suggested I do Brazil Butt Lift. So far I have lost 10lbs in 30 days and I am so in love with this workout! I'm planning on ordering Shakeology because I think that will take my results to a whole other level.
-Kara R. from Pennsylvania 

I was always thin my whole life, but I wasn't really toned…I guess it's called skinny-fat. I never had to workout, so I started Brazil Butt Lift & drank Shakeology and in 30 days my butt looked GREAT and my legs and abs were really toned and I started to notice definition. I LOVE LEANDRO he's so much fun! I met some amazing friends in Kristina's challenge group and she helped me feel confident on the beach…thanks girl! 
-Ashley S. from Florida

My boobs and butt are GONE!!!! No seriously, I did three rounds of T25 and I went from 180lbs to 115lbs, thanks Kristina for FORCING ME to do this program and Shakeology is AMAZING!!! Get it people...!
-Alaina L. from Wyoming

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