Making Dreams a Reality With Beachbody

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

We all go through life wondering what's to become of us. We dream about what our lives will be like in the future. As a young girl, I always wanted to be married, with a new home, kids, pets, a new car, and a good job. I believe thats the American Dream. There's nothing wrong with that and some of us do achieve it. But when we start struggling through life and hit some bumps in the road, it makes us wonder what really lies ahead. Some people get lucky and never hit a bump in the road, others do and continue on and make it, while the remaining never seem to make it. Unfortunately thats just the way life goes. If you don't take chances, you'll never be able to advance in life.

I took a chance 3 years ago when I first heard about Beachbody and the coach mentorship program. Yes I had a job at the time to get me by and since I was already doing P90x I figured why not. I was able to sign up 2 people under me and by doing that I was getting my chocolate shakes for free. Within a few months, I was picking up coaches left and right, just by showing them how I achieved my results. Now we fast forward to today. I'm half way done with my MBA program, work a part-time job, and I'm still doing Beachbody.  I get a check deposited in my bank from them every week, regardless of how much time I put into the business or not.

This past week I was given an opportunity with a company that most people would never get offered. I jumped at the chance because this could change my life forever and if it doesn't work out then I know it wasn't meant to be.  What I do know is I'll always have Beachbody to fall back on and deep down inside thats going to help me earn my American Dream.

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