Sweet Tooth Stopping You?

Thursday, January 26, 2012

For a lot of us nutrition is the most difficult obstacle to overcome when trying to lose weight. If you're like me, you have a big sweet tooth and aren't satisfied until that sweet tooth void has been filled. Today I want to share with you some of the things that you can do to keep that sweet tooth from overcoming your life!

I LOVE chocolate anything and could probably take out Hershey Chocolate in one day! Drinking Shakeology daily fills that chocolate void. PLUS Shakeology soo many nutrients that it's like 5 trips to the salad bar in one cup!

My other favorite chocolaty treat for really fooling my body are the P90X Protein Bars in Chocolate Fudge. When I took my first bite I was in awe, seriously you guys..they taste better than any chocolate bar I've ever had! I have to watch though because I could seriously eat the whole box..!!

I LOVE my sweets and need my fix of candy from time to time..So when that need arises I take (2) Vita Craves gummy chews daily. They taste just like gummy bears and my taste buds have no idea that they're vitamins.

...and because I can't eat the whole tub of these because that would be Vitamin OVERLOAD, I enjoy having sugarfree ice breakers sours in ever flavor imaginable! The key is that they are sugarfree..I'm not saying sugarfree candy is healthy or good for you, it's just a tactic for me to trick my body into being satisfied.

After my workouts I crave sweets as well, maybe because of all the sweat.. must be a good thing! I drink P90X Recovery Formula that taste SO AMAZING, like an orange-creamsicle. This voids my craving for ice cream AND candy...I love it because it feeds my body with nutrients it needs instead of if I ate ice cream or candy. This drink also gives me tons of energy after the workout and helps my muscles from feeling sore..WIN-WIN ! :)

Don't let your sweet tooth stop you, try some of my tactics, or create your own healthy ones! Don't let your weaknesses overcome you!

Get Yours:

Measuring Results

Monday, January 23, 2012

Set goals:

Before starting any workout program or nutrition plan, make sure to set small goals for yourself. The smaller the goal, the more achievable it will be. Think about if you surpass your goal, how unstoppable and motivated you will be! Set goals every 2 weeks to every 30 days because sometimes it takes a while for your body to produce evidence that what you're doing is actually working. An example of a small goal would be losing 2 pounds in 2 weeks and losing 6 pounds in 30 days. If you surpass this goal, know that what you're doing is working, PUSH HARDER and stay on this track! If you haven't met your goal, you need to fix your nutrition (keep it clean) and start bringing it in your workouts..I want you to FEEL IT when you finish your reps. Now, losing weight shouldn't be your biggest concern to start..why? Well because sometimes your body doesn't respond that way because everyone is different. Some bodies begin building muscle first and then concentrate on losing weight. Stick to making pant/dress size goals, that should be your main focus. The scale lies, the mirror lies, and sometimes your eyes play tricks on you..but your clothes will always tell the truth and so will measuring tapes.

Whip out the measuring tape! 

I cannot stress how important it is to take measurements before, during, and after any type of workout program. You need to do this, even though you might be embarrassed, but you need to know what kind of goals to work toward and to know how far you've come since day 1. Through my own personal experience taking measurements is MY OWN PROOF that what I'm doing actually works..because sometimes..especially during that time of the month when we all get bloated, we fail to see our results.

Q: When shouldn't you take measurements?
A: I find the best time NOT to take measurements is the week before and during your period. This is because of bloating and water retention and doing so will give you extra inches...we don't want that!!

Q: When should you take measurements?
A: The best time to take measurements is before starting the workout program. If it's a 90 day program I strongly suggest you take measurements every two weeks to keep you accountable and motivated, even though most programs suggest every 30 days. Overall, once the program is completed, focus on the every 30 day measurements. The every two week thing was just to keep you going and excited to see your results.

Q: Where should I measure?
A: It's best to measure both arms, thighs, hips, chest, and waist. See chart below:

Stepping on the scale!

It's great to have a weight goal in mind, but it should not be what you focus on. If you didn't know this already, the number on the scale fluctuates from day to day and hour to hour..Please don't be discouraged if the number isn't what you'd hoped it would be. No one will ever know your number, only you..so DON'T let it bother you. The scales LIES. In the morning you tend to be your lightest and as the day goes on you get heavier..this is because of the food and water you've put into your body throughout the day.

Q: So, when SHOULD you step on the scale?
A: I find the best times to step on the scale are in the morning before you eat or drink anything.

Q: When is it a bad time to step on the scale?
A: Don't ever step on the scale before you go to bed, after you drank a lot of water, after a big meal or after eating in general. (Women) Don't step on the scale the week before or during your period.. the scale could read anywhere from 5-10 lbs. heavier than you actually are!

Q: Should I be wearing clothes or shoes?
A: Shoes are a NO, clothes should be kept at a minimum and if you can, don't wear any at all.


Asparagus Ravioli with Fresh Herb Salad ♥

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Ravioli Pasta

2 eggs worth of semolina pasta dough
1/3 cup egg wash (1 beaten egg + water)
Ravioli Filling

3 inch diameter bundle of asparagus
1/3 cup of spinach, chopped
3 cloves garlic
1 cup of ricotta cheese
1/4 cup of parmesan cheese, grated
1/4 cup of leek, chopped
salt, pepper
1-2 tbs olive oil

3 cups of pureed tomatoes (optional)
6 leaves of fresh basil, chopped
3 cloves garlic
3 tbs of olive oil
salt, pepper to taste
½ cup pine nuts
1 ½ cup spinach leaves

Heat olive oil in pan over medium heat. Sautee garlic and leek until garlic turns slightly brown.  Add spinach. Cook until spinach is limp.
In a pot of boiling water, blanch the asparagus for 1-2 minutes (until flexible but crisp). Remove from water and drain.
Toss the chopped asparagus and the sauteed mixture into a food processor and blend. Mix in parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, and ricotta.
Heat olive oil in saucepan at medium heat. Sautee the garlic in the oil until roasted brown, then crush. Add the tomato puree and simmer. Salt and pepper to taste. In the last 5 minutes of simmering, add basil.
Roll out pasta to machine thickness 6. Cut into rectangular sheets (6"x4" is a good size). Place spoonfuls of filling onto a sheet (2 or 3), leaving room to cut ravioli shapes. You should leave about an inch pasta border around each glob of filling. Wipe egg wash in between the globs, then lay a second sheet on top, sealing the filling. Cut into ravioli with a knife or lasagna cutting tool. Experiment with the shapes -- they can be circles or squares. I prefer 2" x 4" rectangles.
Cook ravioli for 3 minutes in boiling water. They should float to the top when finished.
It's best to serve them immediately to your guests, as they cool quickly. Scoop them out of the water with a slotted spoon, toss them on a plate. Slather the sauce, add a sprinkle of cheese, pine nuts, and spinach, and serve!
Words of Warning
There are two things that can go wrong in preparation that should be avoided.
  • dry & hard-to-assemble pasta: This happens if you wait too long between the rolling and assembly phases. If you don't assemble immediately after rolling the dough, store sheets between parchment and cover the stack with a moist towel.
  • holes or tears due to stuck ravioli: Once a ravioli is assembled, generously dust it with wheat flour. and place them individually on a plate or wax paper.

Your Weight Loss Solution

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

For a lot of people, the New Year is a chance to CHANGE bad habits. Ask yourself, what resolution did you make and how long have you stuck with it so far? The biggest change people SEEK is weight loss and health! This is not surprising at all!! WHY are SO MANY people failing? The answer lies within themselves, KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Most people aren't going about changing themselves the right way!...I was one of these people!! With the proper nutrition and exercise you WILL SUCCEED...I promise!! Everyone always preaches this statement, but because it's TRUE. You have no idea what kind of amazing results you can achieve that will put your weight loss and health goals into reality. Imagine FINALLY feeling better about yourself, FINALLY feeling younger and beginning to look younger as well!! WOW, why doesn't everyone know about this?! ..See, they do..they key is to BE MOTIVATED. Trust me, that is the HARDEST hurdle for a lot of people and they seek the easy way out. You CANNOT do that, bad, bad, bad!!! Tell yourself that comfort food only makes you happy for a SHORT PERIOD OF TIME, the couch is your REWARD for  working hard, and you need to HUNT TO EAT. What do I mean by the last part? If you don't work out regularly, the food you are eating will go straight to the WRONG PLACES..we don't want that!! I want to help you over those hurdles..WHY? Because I've been there..the HARDEST thing for me was asking for help. Please don't be one of those people! No one is here to judge you, if anything, we will RESPECT you. That's where I come in..I want to help you DIG DEEPER and find that MOTIVATION to keep you GOING! I know you can do it, because I did it! What have you got to lose besides the a couple pounds, the shame, laziness, and bad habits you carry around? Trust me, you will gain SO MUCH MORE! Please let me HELP you get your life back on track!

I will coach you for FREE because the support you get is PRICELESS! 

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