My Ultimate Reset Journey

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome to My Ultimate Reset Diary!  (21 Days)
Start: Friday April 10, 2014
Starting Weight: 210.4lbs
Ending Weight: 195.4lbs

I decided to track every day for you all so that you know what it's like to experience the Ultimate Reset. This is actually my 3rd time doing it! Don't worry, it's not something scary that will harm you...that's kind of what I thought at first too. After I watched many other people I knew doing it and losing weight, I decided to try it out as well. 

You might be wondering, why did I do the Ultimate Reset so many times. Or, what is the reason I am doing it this time? Well friends, I have to tell you that even as a coach, I have made some horrible food choices over the last couple of months and need a RESET for my body! The scary truth that I HATE to tell you all is that...after P90X I weighed an amazing 140lbs...NOW I weigh 210lbs!!! What happened?! Well I got too comfortable with myself and thought the weight would NEVER come back! HAH....was I wrong! It really snuck up on me in 2 years.

 The Ultimate Reset is for you if you can relate to these reasons:  
  • Want to flush toxins out of your organs
  • Improve your digestion
  • Increase your energy
  • Be more positive
  • Lose Weight
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Eliminate dependency on sugar and caffeine
  • Improve your Health
The Ultimate Reset Comes with Supplements & a Meal Plan to guide you through the next 21 days...since I have already done it 2 times prior, I know that you can REPEAT food and save money!!! That's what I did, in case you are wondering why I  haven't listed all the food I am eating each and every day, that is the reason! 
Day 1: I felt like the day went by fast and I felt really full and ALIVE, like so natural, clean, and on top of the world. I felt really cold and like my joints in my knees were hurting a little bit. By the end of the day I felt slightly sore and was tired an hour earlier than usual. I slept really well and woke up without a problem. I wasn't hungry, I felt full and satisfied. I didn't have any cravings. My weight 210.4lbs. Breakfast: eggs, spinach, and toast. Lunch: salad. Dinner: salmon, broccoli, baked potato.
Day 2: I feel really clean inside and healthy, I'm not hungry again today and I feel full. I don't have any cravings. I began feeling tired today, I feel like I need a nap, my leg muscles are really sore and I have a slight heaviness feeling around my head, not a headache or anything. I just feel tired and my body feels heavy, like it needs to relax. My weight 209.2lbs. Breakfast: eggs, toast, spinach. Lunch: salad. Dinner: bean tacos.

Day 3: I didn't sleep too well, I kept waking up because my dogs were fighting and playing on the bed. I was really tired waking up this morning. I weighed myself and I weighed 208.6lbs. I felt really full after breakfast and didn't want to eat lunch until 5 hours later and didn't eat too much lunch because I felt full. I didn't have cravings but I was imagining how amazing pizza and ice cream would be, but I wasn't tempted to cheat at all. I ordered miso soup and California rolls from a Japanese restaurant and it didn't really fill me up and I felt bloated for 10 minutes after eating it, then felt fine. Breakfast: oatmeal, yogurt, blueberries. Lunch: salad. Dinner: miso soup and California roll.

Day 4: I slept good, except I had a weird dream that I had a body transplant and that I visited ye ole' ice cream in SC. I woke up and weighed 207.2lbs. I couldn't eat all my breakfast and felt full and satisfied faster. I still feel really happy that I'm doing this for myself and I don't feel like I want to veer off and cheat or anything. I feel like I have a long way to go and wonder how I'm going to make it to the end. This week is my PMS/cravings week before my period and I'm surprised that I'm doing well. I sorted through my clothes and got rid of the ones I don't want which is really unlike me. I felt great until I was nearly done and then I felt hot and tired. I had to stop and lay down. After dinner I was feeling really hungry. Breakfast: blueberries, yogurt, and oatmeal. Lunch: salad. Dinner: miso soup and California roll.
Day 5: I was really tired waking up today, but it was a rainy day. I weighed myself and I weighed 205.6 and was pleasantly surprised. I had diarrhea today. Other than that it was a good day.
Day 6: I didn't sleep good last night because the dogs kept fighting/playing all night so I kept waking up. I woke up and felt refreshed which was nice and I was surprised that because my sleep was interrupted that I woke up with ease. I went to weigh myself and I weighed 206.6lbs, so that means I gained a pound. I have been doing everything just right and I felt really upset and discouraged for a moment because I do struggle with losing weight on my own if I'm not doing a program such as this and I had really hoped to lose at least 10lbs optimistically, but to do everything right and gain weight, that just hit me the wrong way because this program  and your will power aren't easy when everyone around you are free to make their own choices and indulge. I sat back and thought about it and realized that I'm due for my period in 5 days. That usually means water weight has been gained, so I'm going to accept that as a reason and just move forward. So far I haven't had any PMS cravings or mood swings which has been great and I don't miss that one bit. Today I worked an 8 hour shift which is unusual for me and I was super tired, drained, and ate earlier than usual to fit in all my times. So about 2 hours after dinner I was STARVING, like the ridiculously can't go on type. I am also craving everything under the sun. Krissy brought into work peanut butter eggs and were slightly teasing me with them but I didn't eat them and was proud of myself. I felt sick when I went to bed and threw up in my mouth a little bit and felt nausea the whole night.
Day 7: I am so proud to have made it to the last day of the first week. I always thought the first week was easier meal-wise because the food is the most normal and tasty. I weighed myself and I weighed 205.6lbs and I'm glad because I didn't "suffer" for nothing last night. I slept alright after the nausea went away. I was kinda hungry before bed, but it wasn't too bad.
Day 8: I slept well and slept in a bit, it felt great. So it was a late start for me taking my supplements and eating. I like that though so I'm not hungry before bed. It keeps me full and satisfied better throughout the day when I wake up later. I weighed myself and I weigh 204.6lbs I'm so happy that I'm still losing weight. I feel very healthy and light inside. Today at the store I broke down internally because I wanted Paska bread for Easter and I couldn't buy it. It's my PMS week and I almost cried that's how bad I wanted it and to be able to eat other Easter foods like everyone else. Adam (my boyfriend) and I fought a little bit cuz I wanted to go out late to the movies. Later that night my period came.

Day 9: I woke up and was pretty tired and didn't want to wake up for work. I weighed myself and I was 204.2lbs and was a little sad but I have my period so that's probably why. Today was the WORST DAY for me in terms of period cramps and I couldn't take anything for them and my hunger and cravings. I caved in and had some pretzel sticks because I was having a bad day.. That was my big "cheat" even though you're not supposed to. At work I got in an argument with another co-worker so that make my day shitty and I just got emotional after I left and mopey. Not being able to access comfort food is so hard! 

Day 10: Easter Sunday! What a day to be on the Ultimate Reset, talk about WILLPOWER! Seriously, the hardest thing was to NOT EAT what everyone else was eating. I successfully made it with just my salad for lunch and lentil quinoa and broccoli for dinner. I may have had a taste of the chocolate peanut butter cake to save my sanity, but not much of it! I weighed 204.6lbs. 

Day 11: I woke up and weighed myself and I weighed 202.8lbs! I could not believe that tasting a little bit of cake didn't ruin my results! I was so happy, but at the same time I was stressed for the day I had ahead of me. I was traveling to Harrisburg for a meeting and had to pack everything I needed for the day. I was embarrassed to bring all of my stuff, but I was successful at completing the reset on the road. The lady I carpooled with smoked so it gave me a headache and I felt like crap. She had the window open the whole time and wouldn't shut it.. I didn't like that at all, I was FREEZING and it was blowing in my ear. I was really tired and irritable when I came home.

Day 12: I went to Harrisburg again and it went smoother, I was more prepared and wasn't tired or irritable this time, I think cuz I was less stressed out. I weighed myself and I weighed 202.6lbs. They had candy both days in front of me, pizza and other food and it was so hard to control my cravings.

Day 13: Today was really hard for me because the guys came to install a new oil burner for us and update our sink. When they were draining the oil out to change the burner, it smelled so badly and made me feel sick. They shut the water off too and were in the kitchen working, so I didn't have the means to do everything I needed to do to prep for my meals. I grabbed a few apples and got ready and left for the day. I decided to get a bacon ranch salad with balsamic vinegar at McDonalds. BAD IDEA. I didn't realize I would been brushing off EVERY SINGLE leaf so I wasn't eating the bacon.. And the chicken looked so good.. It was hard not eating it, but at least Adam got to because I saved the bacon-y leaves for him. I didn't really properly weigh myself because the men were in the kitchen with the scale and I didn't want to appear strange. The weight I got was  204.0lbs. 

Day 14: Today is the last day of week 2!!! I'm so happy to be done with taking detox, it was just a pain in the neck. Today went well, I felt great and not too hungry and had lots of energy. I think the clarity and my knowledge were positively effected because I was on the phone and I never had the courage or heard myself ever talk so professionally and intellectually to someone before. It was a 3 hour conversation. I weighed myself and I weighed 202.2lbs. 
Day 15: I'm finally on week 3!!!! I just want it to be over because I can't wait to see my results and would love to be able to go out to dinner. I had incredible energy and felt like I wanted to conquer the world, clean the whole house from top to bottom, and organize everything, it was great!! I weighed myself and I weighed 201.0lbs and I'm really excited cuz I'm SO CLOSE to being under 200lbs! 

Day 16: Today I woke up and weighed myself and I was 200.4lbs. I am so close to my GOAL! I had a hard time with my cravings and just wanted pizza so bad! My bf ate Wendy's in front of me and it smelled so good. He also teased me about going out to eat. I felt really bad, like it was my fault that we can't go out.. But I'm doing this for MYSELF and I need it. Every day that I've been looking at myself in the mirror I've been noticing I look a lot better and have been leaning out a lot. I love it!! 

Day 17: I weighed myself and I was 199.8lbs FINALLY under 200lbs!!!! Today was a great day, I felt like I reached my own personal goal with this program and I cannot wait to see what day 21 brings me!

Day 18: I weighed myself and I weighed 198.6lbs. Everyone I work with began noticing that I lost a lot of weight in just 18 days and they began to get concerned that I wasn't eating properly. Before they made fun of me for doing this program, but now I have some people interested in joining me! It feels great inspiring other people. I really think being on the Ultimate Reset and losing weight boosts your self-esteem and gives you a permanent high feeling! 

Day 19: I weighed myself and I weighed 197.4lbs. I cannot wait, only two more days of eating like a Vegan. I really miss pizza..but at the same time, I don't want to make myself sick and sabotage myself with all the hard work I put into this. You are supposed to take a few weeks to wean yourself back on meat and dairy...I have never done that before, so we will see what happens.

Day 20: I weighed myself and I weighed 196.8lbs. YAY! Still losing weight, I'm glad I haven't stopped, I was just thinking that I don't want to gain all my weight back after this and go back to my old way of eating. I know I'm saying this now, but I really hope I can have the will power to continue a healthy lifestyle. I really love the way I look and feel, my cellulite has diminished SO MUCH, my skin glows, and I feel so light and non-bloated!!!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Day 21: LAST DAY!!!! So happy to be here, I am thrilled that it is going to be over! I can't wait to get back into regular life and just be smart about my choices. Today I stepped on the scaled and weighed 196.0lbs. Today I wasn't feeling very good. It was the first time throughout the whole process what I felt sick to my stomach. 

Day 22: I weighed myself and weighed 195.4lbs! I lost a total of 15lbs and 10.5inches! I was afraid to eat meat and dairy but I wanted to get back into it. I had an apple, two chocolate cookies, 1 smidgen, 1 small Cadbury egg, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on 2 slices of white bread, 3 slices of pizza, 1 small scoop of vanilla ice cream, and 75% of a dominos lava cake, and a few Cheetos. My stomach didn't hurt, only after I ate the pb&j.

Day 23: I weighed 196.8lbs wow last night was rough! I woke up dehydrated and just aching like I had a mild flu, it's from all the bad food I ate. I also gained weight, which is normal because my body is inflamed from the bad food that I just fed it since it was used to a clean, light diet for the last couple of weeks. 
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