Week 2 P90X! Are you still Motivated?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

It is currently WEEK 2 of P90X and I've been thinking... a LOT of people come to me and say that it's easier for them to do the workouts than it is to follow the meal plan...or that they don't know what they need to be eating.. I cannot stress enough how important it is to follow the meal plan guide that comes with your workout. In the guide, it tells you what to eat, when to eat, and how to cook it. The only thing they don't do it shop for you or feed you. What more do you want? A lot of people have this mentality: "Well I kinda know what I should be eating." If your not 100% sure, then you're not getting 100% results, that can be the difference between a size 6 and a size 8!

Let me tell you that I wanted to see if what I was preaching was correct or I was just overreacting. Well I completed a workout program where I did not follow any meal plan, I just packed it in...Anything that I wanted! Guess what my results were.....I lost 5lbs in 90 days. What a waste of time! In comparison, when I did P90X while following the meal plan, I lost 30lbs in 90 days. So you choose, you either go all in, or don't bother wasting your time if you're not 100% serious about getting results.

So I'm still going strong, I committed to no cheat meals for three weeks. Do you know how much will-power that takes? It is unreal how much of a mental challenge a weight loss journey is rather than a physical struggle. I did not have even one cheat meal, snack or sugary drink. Did I have cravings? Of course I did, its normal, I'm human; I wanted everything I could think of so far in desperation! Even the dogs were getting treats and I had to watch them enjoy it. BUT, I have lost 4lbs so far this week and it keeps me going!

Typically, you should throw out all your junk food, outta sight, outta mind! Of course I have a boyfriends who is not dieting or working out, so I have tons of goodies hiding in the cupboards! For many of your, the struggle will be real...most of you will be on this journey alone and the popping of a chip bag or the crunch of a cookie, will start to really test you. On the plus side, he really supports me and will occasionally meal prep, cook, and shop for me. If you're like me and you have people around you, especially in your house...always remember the reason WHY you're doing this. You are doing this for a reason, as soon as you start to think that you could stop, you will be holding yourself back from TRUE happiness. The only one you are competing against is yourself, stop being the enemy.

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