2015 New Year Resolution

Friday, January 9, 2015

Hey everyone! I have to be honest and as hard as it is to admit, I gained weight. I had a really INCREDIBLE P90X transformation and I thought I would NEVER gain that weight back EVER! Look what actually happened....I gained it back plus 50lbs more!

I am so embarrassed to admit my weight gain to you, but I need you all to hold me accountable and I will do the same for you. Now that we're starting off with a New Year, I figured it would be a good idea to get back in shape and commit. It isn't going to be easy, but I will do it...my goal is to lose 96lbs in 2015. You can call it a New Year's Resolution, but really I want to be a great role model to you all. It's just time for a change. These long and cold winter days are hard on everybody, but with Spring around the corner and a few weddings to go to this Summer, my reason for getting in shape just got more real!

When I did P90x, 3 years ago, I followed that diet to a "T", and I did every single workout. I was focused and determined back then, I had a CLEAR DIRECTION!!!! So I guess I owe it to myself and all of you to take a leap and challenge myself again. Below are my starting measurements and before pictures...which NEED to be taken so you can measure your progress. Remember always focus on progress, not perfection!

Starting Measurements (Start Date: 01/05/2015)

Weight: 221

Waist: 34
Hips: 47
Chest: 42.5
Right Arm: 14
Left Arm: 14
Right Leg: 27
Left Leg: 26.5
Body Fat %: 38.2
Pant Size: 16
30 Day Goals:

It's important to always have MEASURABLE short term goals instead of hoping for crazy unattainable results. It's realistic for me to lose 10lbs and 12" by 02/03/2015.

Fit Tip: Focus on INCHES over POUNDS! 

Inches are what you see in the mirror, pounds are in your mind. Only you know your weight!

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