I'm not seeing any results

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

So you've been diligently working out for 2 weeks now and eating healthy, but you're not seeing ANY RESULTS?! Girl, I can TOTALLY RELATE! You know what, it's REALLY FRUSTRATING, I understand because you feel like you're wasting your time, you wasted your money, and all of the cravings you've been able to conquer was all for nothing! Or maybe you really haven't been eating healthy, you haven't been working out everyday, and you have one too many pieces of pizza and chocolate...am I right? Don't worry, I'm not pointing fingers, I'm here to figure out why you're not seeing results yet, and I just might know why! Okay, so lets say you've been doing EVERYTHING you could possibly be doing right..you're eating healthy, working out every single day and you're not just going through the motions, you're giving it your all. The reason you're not seeing any results is because you cannot get OVERWEIGHT OVERNIGHT, get it?! You did NOT get yourself into this predicament overnight, got it? It took weeks, months, maybe even years to gain all the weight you gained and it will NOT come off in a short period of time. CONSISTENCY is key!

Lets use ME as an example. When I was doing the P90X program, I felt like it wasn't working at first but I BELIEVED in myself and knew it would work because I saw TONS of results pictures and videos...it just would take time. Don't allow yourself to step on the scale, only do it every 30 days and for women, don't do it the week before or during your period because that causes you to be heavier for some reason. Also, always weigh yourself in the morning. Use that 30 days as a focus point, something you look forward to, get excited about it, and give every day EVERYTHING you've got! When you get to that 30 day point, don't be disappointed if the number on the scale isn't what you were expecting to see. I only lost 8 lbs which didn't seem like much. When I looked in the mirror, I felt like I still looked the same..it's funny how your eyes play tricks on you. Make sure to take measurements and pictures too! I went from a size 12 to a size 8 pants in 30 days ....UM THAT'S AMAZING! That really made me not upset over only losing 8 lbs and realized that muscle weighs more than fat so that's why I didn't appear to lose much weight! In my before and after picture, I was SHOCKED because I saw changes that I couldn't see in the mirror!

Have you gained weight since starting your workout routine? That's absolutely normal at first..your body is not used to this new change you've introduced to it, so it retains water. Water is really critical to your results, so make sure you're drinking LOTS of it (half your body weight in oz) to flush out all of the unnecessary water weight that is holding you back from your results. This water is also important to help your muscles strengthen to make you look tighter! When you're working out, especially if you're weight training you WILL be gaining muscle mass. Don't worry ladies, you WON'T BULK UP! You'e body isn't made to bulk up, so it will be lean, tighter, and more compact. Since muscle weighs more than fat, you will gain it at first..I gained muscle weight when I first started P90X which scared me..but I just kept going to get rid of it..you NEED to KEEP GOING!

Now for those of you who haven't been consistent with eating healthy and working out. I'm being 100% REAL with you...you CANNOT outdo a bad diet with exercise...I don't know why, it just cannot happen! I will use ME as an example again. I tried TurboFire before doing P90X and I was SOLD on the part where you can burn 9x the fat, even while you're sleeping...so I thought "hmmm I can workout hardcore and eat whatever I want..DEAL" Well I have to tell you that I didn't lose a thing, I got a little bit tighter but I still looked overweight. I wasted 90 days of my time making that mistake..that's why I'm here to tell you STRAIGHT UP, you NEED to be doing your part with healthy eating and working out...otherwise that's the reason you're not seeing any results.

Need help? I'd LOVE to hear from you!

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