What if I can't make it through the whole workout?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

You want to lose weight, you have a picture perfect view of yourself..the way you want to look after you complete your 90 day plan...You're going to look AMAZING, you're going to get new clothes, be more CONFIDENT, HAPPIER, and live life to it's FULLEST, right?! This motivates you to buy P90X, for example, and you know it WILL WORK...it HAS TO, right? You've seen SO MANY transformation pictures and videos and you know friends doing it so as soon as you get it, you pop it in! You heard lots of rumors that it's a VERY HARD workout program and so many people have failed...but you won't! You have that DREAM, that VISION of looking AMAZING and FINALLY shedding those pounds after SO MANY FAILED ATTEMPTS! You make it through the warmup and you think to yourself.."ahh, this isn't so bad"...but then you make it 25 minutes into the workout program and you're feeling pretty defeated, right...you just feel like quitting, stopping...you can't do this..all these negative emotions and thoughts RUSH into your mind..you think to yourself that all the other people who told you it was hard were right and the people who got results got lucky..or have something that you don't ...but you know what...everything you are thinking and telling yourself now in this moment of defeat is WRONG. You CAN get the results you want because you have the power WITHIN. Those people and your friends who have completed the 90 days of the workout program aren't lucky and they aren't any better than you...they have THREE MAGICAL SECRETS that I'm about to share with you...

#1 They BELIEVED in themselves/the program and NEVER gave up!
#2 They had support from friends, family, and/or a coach and a challenge group.
#3 They were CONSISTENT with eating healthy and pushing play.

I want to make ONE thing clear to you...you should NEVER feel defeated, like you're less than anyone else..because EVERYONE, I don't care WHO you have in mind, EVERYONE started just like you..it was their BELIEF in themselves that got them through it all. If you feel like you can't make it through the workout or you suck at it...let me tell you that it's OKAY to pause the DVD. I still do it on days that I'm not feeling up to par. Honestly, it doesn't matter how long it takes you to catch your breath, just pause it and get back into it. You need to think of something POWERFUL that motivates you...why are you miserable with your weight? Use that reason to PUSH YOURSELF through.

I have to confess, I HATE anything cardio because I SUCK at it, so Plyometrics is HARD for me. I pause that DVD all the time even though he gives 30 second breaks...they're totally not enough for me..and you know what, I still got AMAZING RESULTS...you know what..in my first month of doing P90X (and I sucked by the way) I went from a size 12 pants to a size 8 <<<< ARE YOU HEARING THIS PEOPLE?! I was like OMG and of course the results fueled me to complete the full 90 day program. Of course NOT EVERYONE will get the same results. I truly believe I got amazing results in the first 30 days because

#1 I did NOT give up even if I couldn't keep up with the people on the DVD.
#2 I followed the meal plan that comes with the program 95% of the time and allowed myself 1 cheat meal per week on date night which was Friday nights after 2 weeks into the program.
#3 I paused the tape whenever I needed a break and got back into it
#4 I looked at P90X as a challenge, everyone said it was a hard workout program and I wanted to prove to everyone that a girl can do it and look amazing.
#5 I was MOTIVATED EMOTIONALLY, I wanted to feel BEAUTIFUL, look BEAUTIFUL, and SHINE when I walked in the room...I was tired of trying to hide and being a wallflower.

I'd LOVE to hear what motivates you: COMMENT BELOW! Don't hesitate to contact me, I would love to help you achieve the goals you want by motivating you!

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