How To: Pay Off Credit Card Debt!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Today is a HUGE STEP for me toward the life I design. I paid off one of my credit cards and put a huge chunk of change on another one. Let me tell you that a HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders! In the past I couldn't imagine paying more than the minimum payment that was due because I have SO MANY credit cards...but today I just took a LEAP OF FAITH! 

Paying off credit card debt AS SOON AS POSSIBLE is NECESSARY! Like myself, I'm sure you are saying that you cannot afford it...maybe not now, but you have to find a way! 

  • Skip unnecessary purchases: DO YOU NEED IT OR WANT IT? THIS IS HOW YOU GOT IN THIS PREDICAMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE. (in most cases)
The faster your pay off your debt >> the happier you will be!


20 Minute Meals for the Working Mom

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Stressed out from a busy lifestyle?  Today was one of those days for me! This is just a typical meal plan that I follow and it doesn't take up too much of your time!

Below are some of the simplest meals to make, they take less than 20 minutes to make!


Whole Wheat Toast, 2 Eggs, Spinach

Snack Before lunch

Oranges & Blueberries


Brown rice, black beans, corn, tortilla shell, and salsa

Salad with Chicken & Homemade Dressing
Salmon, brown rice, and green beens

Plain Chobani Yogurt, Strawberries & Blueberries

Birthday Cheat Meal

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When I began P90X, I decided not to allow myself to cheat for 3 weeks! It was SO TOUGH, but I knew that it would be worth it. When I did P90X the first time, I followed the same rule and I got phenomenal results! Another reason I wanted to wait 3 weeks is because I just knew that I would be having the Biggest Cheat Meal Ever on my Birthday....I was absolutely correct!!

*Warning: If you are on a fitness kick like me who is not currently having a cheat may be extremely jealous and HANGRY!
In case you were not aware...

We are off to celebrate! FAVORITE! Old Forge Style Sicilian Pizza!

Birthday Cheesecake!!

Birthday Cupcakes ...Seriously the BEST buttercream icing!

2nd Birthday cake...I can really feel the pounds...I mean love!

Birthday Flowers! I did NOT eat these HAHA...these were the only non-calorie gift! 

How To: Lose Weight With A Reward System

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

I remember when I was doing my first round of Beachbody, someone mentioned that you should always set your goals small.  By setting 10lb weight loss goals every month, I was able to achieve my desired weight. When I hit those 10lb goals........I rewarded myself!  At the beginning of the month I would think about something that I really WANTED but didn't NEED.  If I hit my goal at the end of the month, I would treat myself! By doing this, I was able to stay focused and motivated me even more. Not only was I looking better, but I was feeling super confident and more beautiful in my own skin!

These are some great examples of Goals and Rewards: (food is not a reward)

My Favorite Treats! 

  • Mani/Pedi
  • Hair Appointment
  • Shopping Spree: New Clothes
  • Romantic Date Night out with Boyfriend
  • New Purse
  • Jewelry
  • Spa Day

What if you're trying REALLY hard, you're eating healthy, and doing everything right but you're only seeing minimal results?  Super frustrating!!! --->This happens to me and its happening right now!

So far, I've lost 8lbs, I'm 2lbs short of my goal for this month. The measurements that I've taken, show that I'm still losing inches. I'm happy with that, because inches are what other people see you as. Only you know what the scale says! If this is happening to you, fat is turning into muscle and remember >> muscle weighs more than fat. If you're still losing inches, but not not's working!

Always keep in mind a little thing called .....The Compound's the little things you do daily that add up to something huge later. Every little step you take is part of a larger journey. Never discredit all of the hard work you did, nor put yourself down!

How To: Curb a Sweet Tooth! :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do you have a raging SWEET TOOTH!? *Raises hand* ---I do! We all have them and while working out that darn sweet tooth can get in the way! So what are the alternatives to maintaining a healthy diet while kicking that sweet tooth to the curb?

Here is a list of my TOP 10 alternatives:

Chewing Gum (Sugar Free) 
Tic Tacs

P90x Protein Bar



Hersheys Pure Dark Chocolate (bite size individual packs)

Ice Breaker Sours

P90X Recovery Drink


Wine 6oz

A Friend For Teddy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

We are ready to expand our little family of three into a family of four! Teddy is now 4 months old and he just seems like he needed a playmate. Being a stay-at-home Beachbody coach, I was home 24/7, but he really needed a companion in his own species. Two dogs are not always right for everyone, so we did a lot of thinking before deciding to bring a new puppy home. I did a lot of research on adopting puppies, and God put it in my heart to adopt a puppy from a foster home. The particular foster home that I adopted our new puppy from rescues animals from kill shelters and transfers them to foster homes that will care for the animal until an adopter comes along.

We actually have been searching on and for the puppy that stuck out to us. Louie, a 10 month old Cockapoo really stood out to us as the one we wanted to adopt and who would get along best with our energetic 4 month old Pomeranian. Louie was born in a shelter in South Carolina who was transported to a foster home here in Pennsylvania.

We decided to keep the name Louie, because that is the name he recognized his whole life. When I went to meet him, he was very scared of me and other people. He allowed me to take him on a short walk to build a relationship with him before bringing him home. As soon as I brought him home, he was unsure of the new place, but Teddy quickly was trying to build a relationship with him. Louie sat on the couch for a few hours eating treats until he was comfortable to play with Teddy. Since that moment, they were inseparable!

We have been working with Louie to familiarize himself with other people and to take away that fear. The first time we went out for ice cream at a small family farm, he bolted and dragged me back to the car. He was very afraid of Adam for the first few months, until Adam worked with him and took him on walks. His favorite thing to do is to go on walks and be in nature. Allowing him to do what he loves has really opened him up and made him less afraid. Now he enjoys meeting other dogs, going to parks, and being in his forever home.

Louie is really the best dog that we could have asked for. He knows where he came from and now that he has a fur-ever home, his attitude is always so positive and he's always so thankful, showing us with his body language. I strongly suggest rescuing animals from shelters and foster homes. They are lonely and relying on someone to give them a chance. They deserve all of your love, and after adopting Louie, I have realized how important saving a dog's life is. Please consider opening your heart and home to another animal from a shelter or foster home. They will be so grateful to you that you chose them to have a wonderful fur-ever home.

Our First Puppy!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Adam & I decided to add a new addition to our lil family!

One day, I went to the pet store --ALONE ---> bad idea and I came home with this little bundle of fluff. His name is Teddy....I really think it suits him! He is a Pomeranian and weighs 3lbs.

This lil guy is  star, he LOVES to meet & greet EVERYONE! He's super smart, energetic, and a big trouble maker! Stay tuned for more Teddy Pictures!

Top Coach Recognition Board

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Today, I am so excited to speak about my team! Without them I wouldn't be where I am today, and for that I'm so grateful! They have accomplished so much in a short amount of time. These ladies have chosen to become entrepreneurs and they help other people change their own circumstances. You don't have to have a business degree to be successful, all you need is a clear vision of where you want to take your life. No matter what the circumstances are, you can still be a part of this business. Most of us are stay at home moms, enrolled in college, or working a full-time job and want an extra source of income. For some ladies on my team, coaching is their ONLY source of income. We find time in our daily busy schedules to commit to helping other people and working our businesses. For example, I currently work part-time all working toward my MBA. This business really can take off for anyone if you put hardwork and dedication into it. I never thought I would earn as much as I do now and that is the ONLY reason I need to work part-time. I am able to devote the majority of my time on my school work and helping people one-on-one to achieve their goals.

If you're wondering what that little pink bubble in the corner of their picture represents, it represents the number of lives these ladies have changed, along with an added bonus to their paychecks! The women you see recognized above are only a small fraction of my team. I'm thankful for everyone, however, these ladies pictured above are recognized because they strived the hardest to be top coaches. I have no doubt that by the end of next year, these ladies will be more successful than they are now. I'm so proud of all of you!

I'm inviting YOU to take part in my Mentorship Program!

Do you desire:

Financial Freedom
Feeling of Accomplishment
Building Financial Security
Ability to Travel
Lifelong Friendships
Part of Something Greater
Help make a Difference in the Lives of Others
Staying Home With Children & Family

This business has been a life changer for me & I want you to experience the same thing that I have. If you have dreams, it's time to change them into measurable goals with timelines.

Respond to my Mentorship Invitation here: Yes, Mentor Me!

P90X Daily Progress

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Today, after waking up and jumping on the scale, I can see that I am right on track! I have been consistently losing weight and today I just lost another pound--so exciting! I'm right on track to meet my 90 day goal, which is to lose a minimum of 20 lbs. I chose 20lbs because its achievable, realistic, and anything more than that is a bonus! Consistency when losing weight is a real mood booster and motivator, every time I see another pound or an inch off, I automatically know it's going to be a good day! Today was so important for me to see that -1lb on the scale because (ladies) when it's that time of the month, you know you gain water weight. This can be a real turn-off because it confuses us as to if what we are doing is really working. The key is to ignore gains and focus on the finish, you will see that with consistency and determination you can achieve anything!

Here in Pennsylvania the weather is outrageously cold and miserable-- 17 degrees, yikes! When the weather outside is frightful, it's delightful being inside my little house with my loved ones. It's such a great time to be cozy & get my workout on!!  If you live in a state that gets dumped on with snow in the winter, you can start to get some real Winter blues. You need to keep in mind that Spring is right around the corner-- get motivated and pop in a workout DVD. This way you can get your workout in and increase your mood.

Speaking of workouts, I just got done with my Kenpo X workout. For those of you who aren't familiar with it, its a combination of kickboxing and martial arts. I think the reason I do the workouts is because I get to have my P90X recovery drink! This is the most amazing thing on the planet! For those who don't know, it tastes like an orange creamsicle. It's really important to have a recovery drink after workouts because it replenishes your body after your workout and helps repair your muscles. It also aides in easing muscle soreness which is definitely a huge plus.

Note: There are so many recovery drinks and protein shakes out on the market today. Some consist of good ingredients and others are filled with unhealthy fillers, so do your re
search before you purchase one to make sure it is the perfect fit for you.

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